Punk Musik 6/19

Aus Open-Punk

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Aktuelle Version vom 20:02, 14. Jun. 2010

[Bearbeiten] Geschichten die das Internet schrieb. Kaum zu glauben aber war!

braineater: ey, exploited ist scheiße, weil se abgesehen von dem immer größer werdenden metal- einfluss, immernoch das gleiche machen. oh mann, wer sich alle exploited cd's gekauft tut mir echt leid, es klingt doch echt alles gleich. und nofx ist eine hammergeile band. unmd wär hier sagt, dass nofx nicht politisch sind, sollte sich schnell die cd the war onm errorism zulegen. hier ein text vom album: Lost in a sea of combat boots. I'm not concerned about wasted youth. When did punk rock become so sick? When did the scene become a joke? The kids who used to live for beer and speed, Not one can buy a car Cursing bad words are not allowed In fact lets keep noise levels down. My seperate the church and skate.

Why don't we put pads on the kids? Helmets and gear and mouthpieces. Then we could pair the fours and ones Put cameras inside bathroom stalls We make sure all the nice mans play Make every single matinee Teach kids to be all they can be Then we can sing my country tis of thee Sweet land of liberty BLEH

When did punk rock become so sick? I know it wasn't Twane or Fletcher Who put up the barricades. Like a stake in the heart. So now we got truth in a bar

I once got flipped i walked the cent I want the scene to represent Our hatred of authority I've finally got a place and scene Stop singing songs of girls and love And kill the L you freakin dove Confrontation and politics Replaced with all money and shit When did punk rock become so ticked These fucking beer-hoes go sound asleep We won our fights we won our friends We won our birds we won our drugs We live to fight with apathy This fucking record's rated G

When did punk rock become so sick?

(the separation of church and skate)

Für alle langsamdenker: Gerücht:Die Onkels haben irgentwelche Geschäft mit der NPD am laufen!

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